This broom is extremely easy and took less then 5 minutes to assemble and the great thing is it cost less then $5!
Items you will need:RaffiaA stick for the handle (I purchased our at Shinoda in California)thread or yarn(Hot glue if you want to secure it together)

1. You cut a some raffia from the bundle (usually it is knotted at one end- I did the full length of the raffia )
2. Fold the raffia in half (if the ends are a little straggly just trim them off to get a full broom)
3. Place the stick in the end of the raffia that is folded over. My stick is in about 6"
4. With a very long piece (yard or so) of twine, thread or yarn- or just whatever you have around the house. Tie a knot as tight as you can around the raffia and stick. Then wrap the excess of the string to make a ticker band. Knot the very end and trim/ tuck the tail in.
5. You can hot glue the raffia to the stick if you want. I didn't and it stayed on pretty well. The kids were running around the island with it and playing really rough with. The raffia did fall off a couple of times, but you just slip the stick back in! No permeant damage done.

This was taken from my phone so it's a little burry..... they also wouldn't sit still. It was so cute they would get on the broom and kick off and have a race who could make it around the island the fastest!

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