Today I'm delighted to share with all of you my Princess Tea Party I did for my niece, DeeDee's 3rd birthday. This princess LOVES purple, so I had to make her princess birthday party with purple as the main color. This can easily be made into a pink princess collection. Just switch out the purple linens with pink, then add accents of purple instead of the pink as I did (or all pink if your little princess LOVES pink). Our printables have equal pink and purple in them with a little splash of green, yellow and orange.
Note: Please excuse my photography as the lighting was bad so they didn't come out as well as I hoped, especially on the cake:)

For each princess (and prince if they wanted one.... and most wanted one) we created these princess wands. The wand top is our printable wand topper and we just attached it to a playful polka dot straw and attached 1/8" ribbon to make it a little more princess worthy.

We created pink and purple wand toppers, so each princess or prince could have their favorite color.

"Prince Ribbit" our oversized frog held our crowns and princess hats.

Our princess hats have one of my favorite design illustrations.... a princess carriage with a tea party set up inside. This was one of those accidents that turned out to be..... well brilliant. I accidentally placed another object on top of each other and they fell right on top of each other like this and it gave me the idea to place the tea party in the princess carriages!

Now on to the fun part... well on of my favorite parts- the desserts. Our desserts for our princess tea party are truly made for royalty.

DeeDee really liked the little gummy frogs. We found handfuls hidden in her purple ruffle purse. (That her grandma made and also this party ruffle dress.... she loves both and doesn't really want to wear anything else right now).

We had Mexican wedding cookies topped with pink and purple sprinkles.

My favorite dessert or new twist on a cupcake was our teacup cupcake wrapper.

DeeDee's cake with our two piece cake topper. All the kids really went crazy over the gum balls on top. It was hard to keep all 14 little hands from grabbing the gum balls right off the cake. They were all devoured the second the candles were blown out.

Princess frog sugar cookie with fondant crowns were given as favors. The crowns were eaten first by each kid.... They all really liked the fondant crowns.

We also had twinkies and pink chocolate covered Oreos. I wrapped one of our napkin rings around each twinkies

I created these little delights: A crown on top of a "pillow". Such a simple dessert- just place some candy filler at the bottom. Then place a snow ball onto. Add a fondant crown with inset "candy perils". Top with one of our flags.

Even the Princes loved the fondant crowns

Our drink wrappers (5 designs)

One of her presents from me was this unicorn pony.... I absolutely just had to have! It was just too cute to pass up and thought it coordinated so well with everything. She galloped around all day with her ruffle dress... it was priceless!

Deet's blowing out her candles

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